Seasame Chicken and Mashed Potatoes
To any who may have wondered, I do still exist, and I can still type. I was not horribly crippled in any sort of automobile hoonery or lost on an island- I simply neglected my duties as blog co-poster with dear flavi. Finally, though, I am back to typing! And, on what a day to choose! I recently got a wonderful new book called "Life is Meals". It actually belongs to my mother- well, as soon as I give it to her for her birthday, which was in Sept :) The book is amazing, not only for being written by the parents of my college roommate but because it really embodies a spirit anyone reading a food-blog should share. The dedication of this book reads "I intend that my last work shall be a cookbook composed of memories and desires..." ~ Alexandre Dumas. The connection of that book and this day and that quote is that it is Mr. Dumas' birthday today, and it is a Tuesday, so among all the swirling interrelations of this earth it means that Flavi and I had to mentally prepare meals together for the fifth of december, and invite Alexandre! Unfortunately, Mr Dumas did not seem hungry by the time he reached my house for dinner this evening- it appeared he had been snacking all day long and looked adequately plump. No matter- more for Ryan and me.
My dish for the evening needed to be an amalgam of things: Flavi, Dumas and me. As such- it was chicken with soy/ginger/honey/sesame sauce and mashed potatoes with scallions, shallots, garlic, thyme and black pepper. I must say, the thyme should have been left out as it didn't mesh well with the chicken, but the rest went well. And, of course, the table was amply adorned with crumbs from the traditional pre-meal baguette (for which mr dumas was quite pleased) It was a nice little dinner that afforded some well needed roommate bonding time and some tasty leftovers for lunch. Had Alexandre not been naughty and snacked all day, he could have had his chicken!
In "Life is Meals", today's entry (it is a daily journal of food stories), bread is highlighted, and the authors note "Bread is normally the only food that is kept on the table throughout the meal. The word is almost synonymous with food and, by extension, life..." Wonderful! Happy Birthday Mr Dumas, and happy tuesday to everyone!