ételautomata with flavi and grävling

it all began with 3 hour seminars on tuesday nights. the need to eat before such endeavours necessitated a specific dinner time each week. fortunately, such a mundane idea unfolded as repeated joyous meetings filled with wonderful company and exciting cooking. we are individuals who live to eat; come enjoy the stories of our foods.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

cooking bits

just a short post tonight. i didnt actually cook anything this evening- in fact i simply heated up some soup- and not very exciting soup at that. it was progresso chicken noodle. one only has so many soup options at the local Shaws. ill have to meander to whole foods and stock up on the tasty stuff soon.

the real purpose of this post is to highlight an item that has tirelessly served me for years. while looking at some of my recent photos this evening, i noticed a background character thatshowed up in almost evey food picture i have, but who never gets the recognition he deserves. he is undoubtedly the single most important item in my kitchen: my all-clad skillet/frying pan.

my mother, in her typical motherly way of insisting that i have decent things to cook with, bought me this pan back a ways. i, as always, opposed as i felt my $10 wal-mart pan would be just great for all my cooking needs. i was obviously wrong. this all-clad piece has recieved more compliments from others than any pan ever should. it frys/simmers/browns/sautees/whatevers everything evenly, thoroughly and, well perfectly! ive left it sitting in the sink (mom, skip this) for a week covered in grease and cheese and it has cleaned up in a few moments with mild scrubbing. it has survived moves, drops, temperature shocks and everything else i have thrown at it with aplomb. i am quite certain using this pan magicaly makes food taste better and look nicer. if youre ever looking for something for the kitchen, look into a stainless all-clad pan and youll be very happy indeed.


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